Qui est Kristin ?

 Miss Kristin

Kristin is Danish, brought up with industrial milk, cheese without flies, she comes from Helsinborg neighborhoods. She wears the colors of her country : white and red. She is captain of a cheerleading group " Dance Twirling Bâtons ". The play " Kristin from here and not from here " is full of humor, self-regard, on her difficulty in living without money, her old car always breaking down. Kristin is blonde for ever, she's a fan of barbies and Sveltesse yoghurts. She dresses at Jennyfer's. Her whole body droops, tired by life, but Kristin is smiles and cheerfulness. Kristin is a questioning about identity, her identity, on the issue of national identity and on food as an identity. Kristin went to China to look for work (Chinagora fiction), to the USA in the first Obama campaign in 2008 to look for hope. Hope.

KRISTIN Séries tatouages par Arno le Tattoo Reims

Série de  Arno le Tatto Reims




Two of Europes foremost performance artists join forces in The Flag 

Project The Flag Helsingör Theatre have invited the Icelandic artist and human volvcano Kristján Ingimarsson and the French  Caroline Amoros to Elsinore to create an artistic revolution and happenings throughout the cities of Halmstad (Sweden), Kokkedal (Denmark ) and Elsinore (Denmark).The cities were transformed into a fool’s paradise when the two artists interact with the daily goings on in the cities. The artists were  be joined by 30 young people from Ragnarock

With the participation of the Amiénoises Dance Baton ( FRANCE)

Partenaires : Institut Français, Cirque JulesVernes,  DRAC Franche-Comté, Région Franche-Comté




    JUMP OUT OF THE WINDOW a project of Kristjan Ingimarsson
    Alle udlændige i Danmark og danskere inviteres til at deltage i JUMP OUT OF THE WINDOW.
    I Frankrig har der i de seneste år været en serie episoder, hvor udlændinge uden pas er blevet jagtet af politiet og i panik er sprunget ud af vinduer, ud fra broer el. lign. LÆS FLYER HER.